Scaffold fitter who is it? The job of a scaffolding fitter is nothing more than the assembly and disassembly of building scaffolding. The employee in this position is tasked with, inter alia, check the structure and its disassembly after completing the order, correctly positioning the scaffolding or preparing the site for the planned activities. The scaffolding is assembled on the basis of technical drawings, knowledge of which is required from employers. The assembly of scaffolding is also used in atypical places, e.g. in exhibition halls for advertising purposes or displaying advertisements, and temporary shelters made of scaffolding elements. Usually the scaffolder works outdoors, but not always. Working in changing weather conditions, we are exposed to constant dangers: Falls from heights Electric shock possible in the event of defective electrical equipment Injuries when lifting heavy items Structural collapses caused by incorrect assembly or the use of inappropriate components for assembly Falling scaffolding components (building materials, rubble, tools) Possibility of stabbing or cutting injuries Bites and bites by insects and rodents Ultraviolet radiation can damage the skin and eyes Excessive noise caused by the use of mechanical equipment (drills, hammers) Changeable weather conditions (possibility of stroke, frostbite, colds or rheumatic diseases) Possibility of acute poisoning and allergic reactions Bird droppings or parasites in bird nests, rodents, mosquitoes and other insects - possible contamination with animal-borne diseases Forced body position - work on one knee, leaning forward Pain ailments resulting from overloading the musculoskeletal system Prolonged fear of heights What is the work of an assembler? The fitter's responsibilities are a bit wider than you might think. Before mounting, he must plan its location and ensure that its use is safe. The danger is possible in an incorrectly connected scaffolding, and one mistake sometimes ends tragically. He selects the scaffolding components, checks their quality and prepares the site for the scaffolding. It connects the frame elements with the help of clamps and couplings, forms the scaffolding parts, which then lifts and connects them together, strengthening them together. Refurbishment crews cannot imagine working without scaffolding in their daily routine. Scaffolding is used in the construction of detached and semi-detached houses, halls, warehouses or office buildings. It is also common to use scaffolding in the event, entertainment or cleaning industry, where you come across companies that specifically hire a scaffolder with experience for these jobs. Not everyone realises how responsible this profession is. Installer requirements: 18 years or older, Minimum primary education, There are no contraindications to practice. Contraindications to work are balance disorders or other health ailments, e.g. allergies. The fitter should be able to work in a team and have good reflexes. What does the training for an OSO scaffolding fitter look like? The structure is similar to other courses for earthmoving construction machinery conducted in our SPA centers. We conduct our classes in our Center. The training consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part includes a test on health and safety rules, theoretical principles of constructing various types of scaffolding, preparing technical documentation as well as information related to safe scaffolding disassembly. Our participants try to create safe working conditions for people working on scaffolding as well as for other people working on the construction site. The practical part concerns the scaffolding assembly and disassembly skills, demonstration of the student's skills as a fitter and safe stability of the assembled structure assessment. The trainees practice the construction and disassembly of scaffolding. Thinking about our trainees, in our center we have professional equipment reflecting the scaffoldings used on a daily basis in construction companies. This will make it easier for participants to work with such equipment in the future and gain valuable skills. After successfully passing the exam, we receive a work machine operator's book, i.e. a booklet giving the scaffolder qualifications. Earnings Everyone wonders when seeing scaffolders how much they can earn. They work at great heights every day, so they should earn well. It all depends on the level of experience of the worker, as far as average earnings are concerned, it is about 4300 PLN gross. However, workers with more experience in larger companies can expect to earn more. It all depends on the desire of the employee, how much he or she will earn. Nowadays there are a lot of solutions for improving one's qualifications, e.g. by participating in special courses and also by gaining knowledge on one's own. This increases the chances of higher pay and promotion. An employer who sees an experienced and qualified fitter often decides to promote him or her to the position of manager of a whole group of fitters, so it is worth thinking about if your ambitions are still unsatisfied. Experienced and qualified scaffolders they are tempted by foreign employers with very good wages. It is not surprising that Poles often depart for better working conditions. In Germany, the average earnings are about 10-12 thousand zlotys gross with 160 hours of work. In France, they can count from PLN 8-11 thousand gross. Our skills should be confirmed by taking the state examination, after which we receive a certificate, which is often required for the employer. Knowledge of the English language is an additional advantage, which facilitates and speeds up the work of the entire team when it comes to technical drawings. Before starting work, please Check and do not climb on an unstable ladder, Check the scaffolding components and their correct assembly Use only special platforms Disassembly should be in the same order as assembly After disassembly, check the damaged scaffolding components Do not throw the scaffolding components on the ground Use fall protection equipment (harness, belts) Use safe methods of lifting and carrying heavy loads Use mechanical devices that facilitate the lifting and carrying of heavy and bulky loads Use appropriate personal protective equipment on the scaffolding - helmets, safety shoes, goggles, respiratory protection equipment Check the technical condition of electrical devices before work Use protective clothing in unfavorable weather conditions Do not allow vehicles to move on the construction site « Types of forklifts Tower cranes and their application » REGISTRATION: +48 504 477 077ReturnSee also:Scaffold fitter who is it?Training as a scaffolderHomepageWho is the smoker and what does he do?Equipment maintenance training for people with disabilitiesConstruction crane training Recommended Tower crane maintenance course Course in oxy-acetylene, plasma and electric torch cutting Pre-work activities Specialised course in backhoe loader operation Repair of cranes - OSO course