Preparation for the UDT exam - a course for mobile platforms Spider operators - a popular type of mobile platforms - are specialists sought after on the labor market. They can take up employment in construction and renovation companies, in warehouses, companies dealing in the repair of lighting or greenery care. To be able to look for a job in the profession, it is necessary to have professional qualifications confirmed by the Office of Technical Inspection. For those interested in acquiring a new profession, we offer participation in a course prepared by the Centre's instructors, which effectively prepares them to take the exam before the UDT commission. "Spiders" course on mobile platforms - information Form of classes: lecture in the room or online (live webinar) and practical classes with the use of devices from the technical base of the Center Duration: the number of hours depends on the group's advancement level; from a dozen to about 30 hours Substantive scope: instructors provide knowledge about the construction of individual elements of a mobile platform (spider), rules for the safe use of equipment, reading instructions, regulations related to technical supervision Practical classes: the time spent on the maneuvering yard depends on the level of advancement and progress of the student. The instructor prepares for the UDT practical exam, the trainings focus on practical operation, preparing the equipment for work, learning the rules of conduct in the event of a breakdown or an accident. Who is it for: we invite all people who want to qualify for the so-called spiders. We organize the mobile lift platform operator course in a version from scratch, for people who do not have knowledge and skills in this field, as well as in a short version, as a supplement for people who have already dealt with such devices Dates and location. Classes are held in Warsaw and other large cities in Poland. We publish the current dates on our website courses for mobile platforms Price: due to the different level of advancement of groups and the different number of hours, we do not provide a standard price. It is offered to the participant at the registration stage, when we define his training needs UDT exam and qualifications In addition to conducting classes, the center also provides students with support in taking an external exam. When setting training dates, we take into account possible exam dates, so as to enable our students to pass them as soon as possible. We register for exams on behalf of participants, and send reminders when the deadline is approaching. While waiting for the test and practice test dates, candidates can prepare themselves by using the materials we publish on our online training platform. After passing the knowledge test and the practical exam, the operator obtains appropriate authorizations. UDT issues them for a period of 5 years, after which they must be renewed. With such confirmation of qualifications, you can perform work with mobile platforms of the "spider" type throughout Poland and in selected countries. Mobile platforms "spiders": construction, application "Spiders" are classified as mobile platforms, which means that they do not have their own drive enabling them to move around the construction site or on the streets. Car trailers are used for their transport. Mobile platforms are eagerly used in difficult terrain: in densely built-up areas, with unstable ground, with a steep slope. These devices work well in such places due to their small size and weight. For this reason, they are also used indoors, for example for painting walls, servicing warehouses, repairing lighting. Parameters such as boom reach, working height and lifting capacity are model-specific. The capabilities of these devices do not differ significantly from larger platforms, e.g. basket lifts. With the help of some mobile platforms, it is possible to perform works at heights of up to several dozen meters. Most often, one or two people fit in a spider's basket.